BUV GP BOND GOLD PLUS is a cement based adhesive designed for ceramic wall and floor tiles, marble, granite and natural stone on concrete surfaces. Only the highest quality Portland cement, natural sand fillers and chemical additives are used. BUV GP GOLD PLUS uses the thin bed method for a faster, professional and lasting tile installation.
BUV GP BOND GOLD PLUS conforms to BS5980 AA Type 1 and suitability for contract with potable water as per BS 6920 Part 1.
Surface should be clean, free of dust oil and grease. Loosely adhering particle should be removed by suitable means. The surface should be completely dry before application. Mixing: BUV GP BOND GOLD PLUS is to be added to clean container use about 6 to 6.5 liter of water per 25 kg of HEAVY FIX HD. Use a slow speed drill with spiral mixing paddle for getting a lump free, smooth, easily workable mortar, which is homogenous.
The size of the notch will depend on the thickness of the adhesive bed required to install the marble/ granites/stone. In case of very large heavy marble/ granites / stone, it is recommended to apply adhesive on the back of the tiles also. During solid bed fixing dampen the substrates if very hot but do not saturate. During the application tile should be dry. Marble, granites and other natural stone tiles are firmly bedded with slight twisting action to ensure full contact is made between tile and substrates. Ensure that tiles are fixed within 30 minutes of mixing the product.
BUV GP BOND GOLD PLUS is available in 25kg/20kg bags and it has a minimum shelf life of 12 months provided it is stored under cover, out of direct sunlight.
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