BUV BITU PRIMER is a Bituminous Cold Applied Clay Type Emulsion. The water based bituminous emulsion with finely crushed bitumen dispersed in water is ready for direct application on wet surfaces. BUV BITU PRIMER has slightly lower solid content to provide smoother finish and better flow.
BUV BITU PRIMER gives a coating, which, when set, is impermeable to water and remains unaffected by attacks of industrial fumes, saline atmosphere, etc. It resists low temperature cracking and also does not crack under the influence of strong. BUV BITU PRIMER is a clay type emulsion of selected grades of bitumen in water with inert fillers. Selected fibres are used as fillers to form a surface resistant to considerable shock and vibrations.
BUV BITU PRIMER is recommended for waterproofing of leaky walls / surfaces or places where heating of bitumen is not desirable or prohibitedstc, even under wet condition.
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